just so you know, my vocabulary or my brain is at its most active mode in the morning. i could curse or adore anyone at this moment.teehee..
if you noticed, nowadays people tend to use i/u in their daily language. of course there is nothing wrong with that, but in my opinion, i repeat 'in my opinion', that is so not cool. i mean if you are using it in the proper complete language, like i/u in formal english not in some broken Bm pasar. i went to some presentation skill seminar last month, and i totally agree to what he said. Bahasa melayu is such a wonderful language if it is use in the correct way and so is english. but just imagine if you talk in broken Bahasa, to make it worst you use i/u in it, isnt it a total disaster? you could probably get arrested by the 'language-police' by now..hehehe..
my BFF, durga, she speaks fluent english. the kind of english that will you make your jaw drops, plus the perfect accent (i'm so jealous with her ;p). even she speaks the right Bahasa. she has like this button where you can switch, either english or bahasa, and tadaaaa! you'll have the most complete sentence in any of those languages. what i'm trying to say is, (again) it is so not cool to use i/u with bahasa. the kind of thing that will make you seem like a joke. nevertheless, there's nothing wrong with trying to speak in english, even me myself i have tonnes of grammar mistakes to be corrected both in bahasa and english. if you use complete english in one sentence, damn you look cool! even your grammar is everywhere, but duhhh self-confidence people! somethings are never meant to be mixed up.
my hometown girlfriends, they are into this sort of trend right now. sometime it annoys me, but most of the time i dont really mind as they use it in a complete sentence. hmmm.. it seems like i need to start practicing my mix-up language by now without laughing my ass off. i akan berusaha sedaya upaya i untuk belajar bahasa baru ni iaitu eng-malay, you jgn gelakkn i tw (",)
p/s: terima kasih sebab you sudi baca entri i ni, i terharu..LOL
pelok & cium!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
baru perasan, entri2 sebelum ni penuh emosi,marah sana marah sini..blame the hormon k people..;p sekarang mood sangat baik,orang lain pulun nak exam tapi dak2 unimap, ley jamin punyer la, kat umah ke tengah berenang dalam banjir ke or even tengah tabahkan hati jadi survivor ke, hanya 20% je yang study dan daripada 20% tu 5% je yang studynyer lekat di kepala sampai final. siapa yang x setuju tu memang pembongak (penipu dalam bahasa n9) ;)

inilah mood saya sekarang,bunga-bunga. walaupun study baru secipot, walaupun terpaksa berebut2 naik lori pasir, walaupun terpaksa berasak-asak nak naik bus, tapi saya taw saya rasa bahagia ada abah, mak, akak2 kesayangan, anak2 buah yg cumil even dante n longtail si pengubat hati. dorangla yang buat saya rasa selamat.boleh tido ngan mak..heeee~

si jantung hati yang sangat baik, saya sayang kamu (alamak, jiwang la pulak..;p). dia pun selamat jugak.cumil kitaorang naik lori sama2..huhuhu...saya rindu dia, dah 120 jam x jumpa dia. sedih. ye, memang kami ngada-ngada nak jumpa selalu (",)

p/s: i love the quote above!
hugs n kissess...

inilah mood saya sekarang,bunga-bunga. walaupun study baru secipot, walaupun terpaksa berebut2 naik lori pasir, walaupun terpaksa berasak-asak nak naik bus, tapi saya taw saya rasa bahagia ada abah, mak, akak2 kesayangan, anak2 buah yg cumil even dante n longtail si pengubat hati. dorangla yang buat saya rasa selamat.boleh tido ngan mak..heeee~
si jantung hati yang sangat baik, saya sayang kamu (alamak, jiwang la pulak..;p). dia pun selamat jugak.cumil kitaorang naik lori sama2..huhuhu...saya rindu dia, dah 120 jam x jumpa dia. sedih. ye, memang kami ngada-ngada nak jumpa selalu (",)

p/s: i love the quote above!
hugs n kissess...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
love expired date
well, everything must have an expiring date right? from the thing that we eat till the thing that felt deep in our heart. the obvious difference is the food is about to expired we can see it clearly, if the fungus thingy have appeared then just toss it out. but how about love? what about it right? love never have a bar code that stated when it should be toss out, but it still have an expired date. like i said before, everything does.
so, how do we know if our so-called true love is about to expired? how to know if the magic love sparks are not that magical anymore. they say, when you are in love, reality is way better than dreams, but i'm starting to feel that dreams are more comforting than reality. reality sucks!
maybe this is what happen when some people expect more and the other expect less. communication is just a waste of time or sometimes silence speaks louder that the words itself. no more goosebumps when it touches, no more sparkle in the eyes. close but yet so far away. beware when you feel sick and tired listening to love song. when love stories suddenly feel so unreal. damn! i hate that feeling.
it hurts so much when you are not the one that make him happy. when he needs to turn to his so-called buddies and his beloved games. you might feel rejected, useless and yes sometimes like a ugly-ass-useless-bitch. rubberband theory?? Fuck it! wanna hear my theory? all men have double personality, like a twin. one day, he's good and charming and you may feel like the world revolved around you, but other days, his evil twin, will make you sleep with tears in your eyes. and the next day, you need to wear eyeliner just to cover your ugly eyes.damn!
so, how do we know if our so-called true love is about to expired? how to know if the magic love sparks are not that magical anymore. they say, when you are in love, reality is way better than dreams, but i'm starting to feel that dreams are more comforting than reality. reality sucks!
maybe this is what happen when some people expect more and the other expect less. communication is just a waste of time or sometimes silence speaks louder that the words itself. no more goosebumps when it touches, no more sparkle in the eyes. close but yet so far away. beware when you feel sick and tired listening to love song. when love stories suddenly feel so unreal. damn! i hate that feeling.
it hurts so much when you are not the one that make him happy. when he needs to turn to his so-called buddies and his beloved games. you might feel rejected, useless and yes sometimes like a ugly-ass-useless-bitch. rubberband theory?? Fuck it! wanna hear my theory? all men have double personality, like a twin. one day, he's good and charming and you may feel like the world revolved around you, but other days, his evil twin, will make you sleep with tears in your eyes. and the next day, you need to wear eyeliner just to cover your ugly eyes.damn!
Monday, September 27, 2010
deadly envy
some people were just born with whole bunch of luck
dont have to do much
sit back and relax,luck will role down to their feet
happiness never left their side
everything they touch will turn to gold
never have to suffer never have to struggle
because the world is revolved around them
but for some people
more like me
where my every path will have obstacle
where happiness will only come after misery
the only look taste like pathetic and empathy
but i still believe in you, GOD
i know you have something better for me at the end of the road
i know my sun will shine but not now
these are just the punishments for all my sins
dont have to do much
sit back and relax,luck will role down to their feet
happiness never left their side
everything they touch will turn to gold
never have to suffer never have to struggle
because the world is revolved around them
but for some people
more like me
where my every path will have obstacle
where happiness will only come after misery
the only look taste like pathetic and empathy
but i still believe in you, GOD
i know you have something better for me at the end of the road
i know my sun will shine but not now
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
paling cair bila..
Friday, April 23, 2010
kamu comey bila mamai
"syg syory tedte+..syg tdo..syg kt ne d n-"
ske sgt bile dia sms time mamai..soooo sweeeeettt...
ske sgt bile dia sms time mamai..soooo sweeeeettt...
p/s: memang x fhm pe yang kamu nk taip sebnrnye..tapi sgt suke..hik3..
mana lagi best ea?
okay, arini hari last untuk mggu ke-21, maknanya ada lagi 3 minggu je lagi l.i.macam-macam rasa sekarang, x sabar, sedih, malas, nervous, sume ada..pendek kata dah memang macam rojak campur la, (tiba-tiba teringin nak makan rojak..ishh,,memang dasar pelahap betol la aku nih..huhu).tapi dorang cakap pasembor penang sedap, menu wajib try ni..tunggu la wahai pasembor, i'll eat n digest u..wahahaha..*evil laugh*
okeyh2, sebenarnya arini aku nak wat comparison antara time praktikal or time blaja, mana lagi syok. kita tengok satu2 dulu ea. yang syok time study, kawan sekepale sentiase ade, asal nk wat keje jahat, or x seberape nak jahat, kwn sentiase ade. ada di sekeliling orang yang sebaye yakni yang sekepale sangatla best sebab u can be urself all the time. be stupid, be nasty or even nak comot2 pon tape. tapi, cube la wt perangai tu skang kat tempat keje (perasan dah keje la ni..hehe), wat mengong2 sket, they'll give you the how-much-more-stupid-can-you-be look. rimas gak la. hasilnya? tercipta la perangai bajet da besar,cakap nak macam org besar, pakai ala2 org da keje, klu gelak? cover weyh kang kene cop gile lak..heeee~ tunggu la sem depan, tanduk kt kepale ni akan mencanak2 kuar, da siap asah da ni...*muke siyes nakal*
pe yang syok lagi time study? ni yang paling ak x sabar2 nak wat, klu time study kelas hari2 slalunya x same waktu nya. sehari sejam je pon ade, tapi yang paling la nikmat bila kelas start lambat, dalam kol 12 cenggitu, memang masyuk. tapi bila da praktikal, jangan harap la ea nak bangun kol 9 cmtu, hari2 constant. bangun kol 6 lebeyh, mamai2 je rasa g keje, bila da sampai mula la menguap macam badak, siyes klu bakal mak mertue nampak, terus cancel wat menantu tw, rasenye badak jantan pon x tergode..huhuhu..

okay2, yang best pasal praktikal lak ea. yang terpaling super-duper best pasal praktikal ialah, tayah nak serabut2 kepale pasal lab report, assignment, test or even final exam. heaven on earth! macam sekarang ni, dak2 universiti len sume nga pulun, perah otak tok study. sampai berasap la pale, agaknyer kolej yang terbakar kat upm tu sebab otak dak tu da overload kot, hik3..(kuar da teori kurang waras ;P) nikmat je rase tengok adek2 junior & senior sebok ngan exam, kiteorg lak begolek sane sini keseronokan, enjoy la sekarang, sem depan turn ko lak tim,padan muke hang! hehe..
reason best seterusnye ni depends kat company mane yang kita praktikal yakni ELAUN! cash baby! alhamdulillah aku dapat company yang x seberape nak kedekut, mule2 x kesah sgt pon pasal elaun, asl dapat tempat praktikal pon da besyukur. sebelum ni xheran sgt klu time orang dapat gaji, tapi sekarang heran. da pandai da tanda 26hb kat kalender, orang len x sabar2 nak gaji, aku pon sebok2 gak la nak excited nak dapat gaji, padahal duit bulan lepas banyak je lagi, al maklumla dok ngan mak n abah, makan free, tu yang anak dia ni makin sehat n kuat. cukup zat n kasih sayang..hehehe..tapi memang best the rush of waiting for the salary. poyo je, elaun baru 500 da excited cenggini,klu da keje betol2 nanti maunyer ak melompat2 depan mesin atm everytime dapat gaji..weeheee...
hugs n kisses..
okeyh2, sebenarnya arini aku nak wat comparison antara time praktikal or time blaja, mana lagi syok. kita tengok satu2 dulu ea. yang syok time study, kawan sekepale sentiase ade, asal nk wat keje jahat, or x seberape nak jahat, kwn sentiase ade. ada di sekeliling orang yang sebaye yakni yang sekepale sangatla best sebab u can be urself all the time. be stupid, be nasty or even nak comot2 pon tape. tapi, cube la wt perangai tu skang kat tempat keje (perasan dah keje la ni..hehe), wat mengong2 sket, they'll give you the how-much-more-stupid-can-you-be look. rimas gak la. hasilnya? tercipta la perangai bajet da besar,cakap nak macam org besar, pakai ala2 org da keje, klu gelak? cover weyh kang kene cop gile lak..heeee~ tunggu la sem depan, tanduk kt kepale ni akan mencanak2 kuar, da siap asah da ni...*muke siyes nakal*
pe yang syok lagi time study? ni yang paling ak x sabar2 nak wat, klu time study kelas hari2 slalunya x same waktu nya. sehari sejam je pon ade, tapi yang paling la nikmat bila kelas start lambat, dalam kol 12 cenggitu, memang masyuk. tapi bila da praktikal, jangan harap la ea nak bangun kol 9 cmtu, hari2 constant. bangun kol 6 lebeyh, mamai2 je rasa g keje, bila da sampai mula la menguap macam badak, siyes klu bakal mak mertue nampak, terus cancel wat menantu tw, rasenye badak jantan pon x tergode..huhuhu..

okay2, yang best pasal praktikal lak ea. yang terpaling super-duper best pasal praktikal ialah, tayah nak serabut2 kepale pasal lab report, assignment, test or even final exam. heaven on earth! macam sekarang ni, dak2 universiti len sume nga pulun, perah otak tok study. sampai berasap la pale, agaknyer kolej yang terbakar kat upm tu sebab otak dak tu da overload kot, hik3..(kuar da teori kurang waras ;P) nikmat je rase tengok adek2 junior & senior sebok ngan exam, kiteorg lak begolek sane sini keseronokan, enjoy la sekarang, sem depan turn ko lak tim,padan muke hang! hehe..
reason best seterusnye ni depends kat company mane yang kita praktikal yakni ELAUN! cash baby! alhamdulillah aku dapat company yang x seberape nak kedekut, mule2 x kesah sgt pon pasal elaun, asl dapat tempat praktikal pon da besyukur. sebelum ni xheran sgt klu time orang dapat gaji, tapi sekarang heran. da pandai da tanda 26hb kat kalender, orang len x sabar2 nak gaji, aku pon sebok2 gak la nak excited nak dapat gaji, padahal duit bulan lepas banyak je lagi, al maklumla dok ngan mak n abah, makan free, tu yang anak dia ni makin sehat n kuat. cukup zat n kasih sayang..hehehe..tapi memang best the rush of waiting for the salary. poyo je, elaun baru 500 da excited cenggini,klu da keje betol2 nanti maunyer ak melompat2 depan mesin atm everytime dapat gaji..weeheee...
hugs n kisses..
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
girl's dictionary
this one is especially for you guys out there. yes, we girls never meant what we say. so here's a few tips for you
dont! = yes!
i hate you = i love you, but i miss the old you
dont call me ever again = call me please cause i know i'll be missing you, i'll be waiting for your call
i'm leaving you for someone else = please do something for our relationship cause i really love you
i'm better off without you = i need you each and every second
leave me alone! = dont go, please. stay with me. i need you
i dont wanna see you = if only i can fly to you rite now
i think we're better off friends(breaking up) = i love you so much, i really hope you'd say 'baby i'm sorry, please dont leave'
p/s : yup, maybe girls are complicated, but thats the reason why you guys love us aite?
hug n kisses...
dont! = yes!
i hate you = i love you, but i miss the old you
dont call me ever again = call me please cause i know i'll be missing you, i'll be waiting for your call
i'm leaving you for someone else = please do something for our relationship cause i really love you
i'm better off without you = i need you each and every second
leave me alone! = dont go, please. stay with me. i need you
i dont wanna see you = if only i can fly to you rite now
i think we're better off friends(breaking up) = i love you so much, i really hope you'd say 'baby i'm sorry, please dont leave'
p/s : yup, maybe girls are complicated, but thats the reason why you guys love us aite?
hug n kisses...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
muke muslimah?
oleh kerana semlm sampai dr terengganu lambat, n sy ni dak yang amatla mls (ye, sy ade penyakit 'mim'..huhu), jadinyer baju g keje arini yg malas2 jela. balik2 je semlm cepat2 bukak almari, selongkar cari bju di kala cemas, yakni bj yg x ssh nk gosok, mmg kritikal penyakit mim nih ;)
skali jumpela bju kurung pink yg mmg sng nk gosok n x degil.setel bju tudung lak. haishhh.,nk kene pk lg, last2 tibai je tdg ala2 ekin yg sememangnyer mesra pengguna yg malas mcm sy ni.
this is not the 1st time i wear sumthing like this, maybe to work bt to other places,NO! smpai2 je kt ofis "wah, ustazah!", "lainnyer muke pakai tdg ni","tdg bru ea?" whatttt?????
ckp dlm hati, 'labuh sgt ke tdg ni? padahal labuh lg tdg org len'
tapi, xkesah sgt pon org nk ckp pe..motto sy "i dont give a damn la" ;) tape, janji kiut kn? *prasan sorang2*
hugs n kisses..
oleh kerana semlm sampai dr terengganu lambat, n sy ni dak yang amatla mls (ye, sy ade penyakit 'mim'..huhu), jadinyer baju g keje arini yg malas2 jela. balik2 je semlm cepat2 bukak almari, selongkar cari bju di kala cemas, yakni bj yg x ssh nk gosok, mmg kritikal penyakit mim nih ;)
skali jumpela bju kurung pink yg mmg sng nk gosok n x degil.setel bju tudung lak. haishhh.,nk kene pk lg, last2 tibai je tdg ala2 ekin yg sememangnyer mesra pengguna yg malas mcm sy ni.
this is not the 1st time i wear sumthing like this, maybe to work bt to other places,NO! smpai2 je kt ofis "wah, ustazah!", "lainnyer muke pakai tdg ni","tdg bru ea?" whatttt?????
ckp dlm hati, 'labuh sgt ke tdg ni? padahal labuh lg tdg org len'
tapi, xkesah sgt pon org nk ckp pe..motto sy "i dont give a damn la" ;) tape, janji kiut kn? *prasan sorang2*
hugs n kisses..
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
once upon a time..

ni la kitaorg time mule2 dulu..ye, kami semua sehat2 belake. terutame yg kiri bawah tuh, pipi selambak.. ;)
da jadi tradition, tiap2 1st day utk sem baru mesti nak bergambar. da abes da 1 dragon tu ktorg posing. tapi ni gambar paling 'cun' la. hehe..jgn tny pe jd ngan ktorg ea gmbr gmbr tu ea..
ni time anugerah dekan sem bape ntah x igt. yg igt kt jitra jek. oh, kami mmg pandai tersgt la posing, tu yg sume modeling agensi rase x layak nk hire kami
*sengih sorg2*
akhirnyer, ni la gmbr lastest skali, sebelum LI, masih ber5 sume posing da kurang sakan, da mature la konon..hik3..
KINGrajoli n amer!
KINGrajoli n amer!
ni time sem 5..tgk tuh, taley pisah ;)
siyes x berubah, ley wt trade mark, tp cute sgt tw
sabaq sket alang, kang ranap machine tu kang ;)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
lunch paling sedap!
arini aku senyum from ear to ear, muke beseri2 je dari pagi..asyik tengok jam x sabar nak pukul 1. sebab pe? sebab nak lunch ngan yayang! yay!
*senyum lagi lebar, dari rambut ke rambut..ha?*
kira jadi la tuh surprise kamu tuh, ske sgt2..nsb bek tw awl2 klu x da lame sy g lunch ngan yan n kak ani tw.tata la kamu..huhu..
break makan ns lemak lunch makan kfc. lemak? kalori? kolestrol? x heran sebab sangat2 happy. lama betol da x lunch kt luar, asyik2 kt wak je, naseb bek paru sambal dy superb, sampai nek 3 kg la ak kt pharmaniaga nih. penat je belari, tapi lemak asyik nak melekat kt badan. ish2...ala, production nyer weigh machine yang salah..
*pujuk diri sendiri*
pe2 pon, janji arini aku happy.like beyond happy!
p/s : abg yg aku x pnh tw pn nme dy, sori la ea terpakse kecewa kn depan kwn2 anda, 'awek' anda ni da lari ngan lelaki len..hik3...
*senyum lagi lebar, dari rambut ke rambut..ha?*
kira jadi la tuh surprise kamu tuh, ske sgt2..nsb bek tw awl2 klu x da lame sy g lunch ngan yan n kak ani tw.tata la kamu..huhu..
break makan ns lemak lunch makan kfc. lemak? kalori? kolestrol? x heran sebab sangat2 happy. lama betol da x lunch kt luar, asyik2 kt wak je, naseb bek paru sambal dy superb, sampai nek 3 kg la ak kt pharmaniaga nih. penat je belari, tapi lemak asyik nak melekat kt badan. ish2...ala, production nyer weigh machine yang salah..
*pujuk diri sendiri*
pe2 pon, janji arini aku happy.like beyond happy!
p/s : abg yg aku x pnh tw pn nme dy, sori la ea terpakse kecewa kn depan kwn2 anda, 'awek' anda ni da lari ngan lelaki len..hik3...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
nuridrin rosni
nuridrin rosni
she's a friend
she's a sister
throughout joy
throughout pain
teman seni yg sgt setia di sisi
bangkok n medan
travel same2
saat blushing yg color sgt cantek tuh, aku mmg takan lupa ;)
make up, sanggul pakai baju same2
tak sabar nak menari balik ngan ko
22 tahun hanyala nombor
boleh bertambah tak boleh berkurang
selamat hari jadi along!
syg along ;)
she's a friend
she's a sister
throughout joy
throughout pain
teman seni yg sgt setia di sisi
bangkok n medan
travel same2
saat blushing yg color sgt cantek tuh, aku mmg takan lupa ;)
make up, sanggul pakai baju same2
tak sabar nak menari balik ngan ko
22 tahun hanyala nombor
boleh bertambah tak boleh berkurang
selamat hari jadi along!
syg along ;)
p/s: harap x terlambat wish kt blog ea, ni pon curi2 je klu x kantoi aku..hik3..
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
gosh, i just found out that i havent write anything here for 2 freaking months! ok, that explain how bz i've been for the last couple of months.
l.i da start. best, xbest, ngantok, blur sume rase ade since i got a place where only 20% related to my course. but its fine since i cn learn plenty of new stuff. the hardest part is the adaptation to the new environment. i'm surrounded by people who are older than me. ADULTS. its kinda hard when you have to act as if you are mature enough (sooo not!). mase mule2 tuh mmg sgt janggal n terkejot. most of their topic that they been talking about sgt2 len ngan topic yg kte (not so adult..prasannyer..;) ) bualkan. basically, kite klu hang around, if girls mesti akan ckp psl bj, kst, mall, movies, nk shopping pe, org tu pakai pe org ni pakai pe, new gossip (wajib tuh) and the most important topic is abt GUYS! yup guys, we do talk about you..huhu..tp bile msk ke 1 tempat di mne majority nyer wanita berkomitmen, len lak topiknyer. its all about family, hubby n children x pon topik2 yg bekenaan ngan komitmen. i admit, ak mmg kene culture shock mse mle2 msk. yela, kt c2 praktikal student x rmi. klu ade pon bkn yg sekepale ngan kite. bt as time passes by, i realised that this is the reality i need to deal with. lme2 ok jek. bile da lme2 br sdr yg life is full of commitment. some day we need to come to reality that life isnt just about us. it relates with lots of people and things.
minggu dpn nih da msk week-11. there's another 13 weeks left. rse cm kejap jek. da nk abes. ha, lupe lak, ramai akak2 kt cinie nk kawen la nk tunang la, ni yg nk kawen gak nih..hik3..galok!
hugs n kisses!
l.i da start. best, xbest, ngantok, blur sume rase ade since i got a place where only 20% related to my course. but its fine since i cn learn plenty of new stuff. the hardest part is the adaptation to the new environment. i'm surrounded by people who are older than me. ADULTS. its kinda hard when you have to act as if you are mature enough (sooo not!). mase mule2 tuh mmg sgt janggal n terkejot. most of their topic that they been talking about sgt2 len ngan topic yg kte (not so adult..prasannyer..;) ) bualkan. basically, kite klu hang around, if girls mesti akan ckp psl bj, kst, mall, movies, nk shopping pe, org tu pakai pe org ni pakai pe, new gossip (wajib tuh) and the most important topic is abt GUYS! yup guys, we do talk about you..huhu..tp bile msk ke 1 tempat di mne majority nyer wanita berkomitmen, len lak topiknyer. its all about family, hubby n children x pon topik2 yg bekenaan ngan komitmen. i admit, ak mmg kene culture shock mse mle2 msk. yela, kt c2 praktikal student x rmi. klu ade pon bkn yg sekepale ngan kite. bt as time passes by, i realised that this is the reality i need to deal with. lme2 ok jek. bile da lme2 br sdr yg life is full of commitment. some day we need to come to reality that life isnt just about us. it relates with lots of people and things.
minggu dpn nih da msk week-11. there's another 13 weeks left. rse cm kejap jek. da nk abes. ha, lupe lak, ramai akak2 kt cinie nk kawen la nk tunang la, ni yg nk kawen gak nih..hik3..galok!
hugs n kisses!
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