Monday, May 4, 2009

rahsia perempuan

today i want to revealed one of girls' biggest secret. not often talk in public but what the heck rite? kite kn da betamadun skang. act, its not that biggie bt i'd like to talk about pre-menstrual-syndrome (PMS).

mcm yg kite da tw dr mag or maybe dari subjek biology, perempuan (90%) of us akan mengalami sindrom ni or some people may called it 'dtg bulan' (oh,i hate when they called it like that,so much! from now on,PMS please!). sindrom ni yg disbbkn oleh perubahan n ketidakstabilan hormon estrogen n progesteron menyebabkn seseorang perempuan itu mengalami perubahan perasaan yg mendadak (mood swing).

truth to be told, during this mood swing time, kami akan kdg2 rse mrh,sedih, celaru or happy dgn tbe2. fyi,this feeling cant be control. contohnyer, br td gelak2 tbe2 terus angin satu bdn without a reason. selalunyer, time PMS we girls tend to be really2 sensitive. bende bsr zarah pon boleh jd issue. maybe thats why Allah letak kuasa talak kt lelaki, klu x smpi talak 300 pon perempuan boleh jthkn. ak bkn nk bephk kt lelaki, but thats the truth. girls cant think straight during PMS. klu wt decision, more emotion than rasional. but during PMS je k? jgn slh anggap pulak ye.

some guys, bile kami perempuan membebel sket mesti ckp "ish,dtg bulan la tuh". c'mon la,xkn ktorg xwaras 365 hari sethn. sometimes we bable because we care. please dont get us wrong.

sesetengah perempuan boleh kwl emosi mereka time PMS, tp for others dorg rase je bole control pdhl x my advice is, if you feel like you cant think straight, being so paranoid like everyone is laughing at you or maybe you feel like killing someone, you better stay in your room and calm yourself (like i'm doing rite now..huhu).dont be shy to admit that you are having PMS.its normal,really.if you dont want other people,esp your close ones to get offended because you may say something bad or hurt their feelings, then let them know:

"i think i'm having a bad mood swing rite now"

hopefully they'll get it.

die punyer swing mmg hebat, kejap rase happy gelak2 xlame lps tuh rase mrh sgt. xpn rse sedih yg teramat sgt walaupun time tu tgh tgk cite Die Hard.kdg2 xde pe2 pn boley nanges xpon klu pensil ilang boleh amuk satu kmpng.but like i say, we cant control it.

wahai lelaki, mengertilah kami perempuan bukan sengaje atau cube untuk x kawal perasaan ni, tp sememangnyer x mampu. jgn risau xlame pon PMS ni, slalunyer smggu jek and depends, de yg dpt b4 menstrual,during or after.

look on the bright side, nilah yg membezakn kite ngan robot, sbb walaupon ktorg sedih,mrh atau murung, tu membuktikn wujudnyer perasaan kt manusia ni berbanding robot atau mesin.

hugs n kisses..


  1. ;)
    this is my everymonth issue.

  2. ayo...
    that's why my lil sis kdg2 mengamuk dr futsal centre smpi ke rumah...
    but my mom slalu x bagi main kalo pms...
    time ak f3 dlu ak pnh gaduh ngan sorg minah...
    sebab ak tataw dia pms... so emo skit...
    lawak jer bla igt blk...

  3. jgn men2
    pms ley wt dy jd gagah cm pahlawan tw
    watch out
