July, 2007
Nervous, i didnt know what to expect. that was the first time i step into university. With hopes
of becoming an engineer, something that i have been secretly passion about. love? boyfriend?
never occured in my mind. the only thing i wanted to do was having fun with my new friends and of course held a degree in my bare hands.
Tapi Allah lagi mengetahui. Maha mengetahui. walaupun aku dah merancang dengan baik, menyangka rancangan aku yang terbaik tapi Dia tetap temukan aku dengan dia. Tempat pertama jumpa? Bilik komputer Dragon. Selalu orang kata first time jumpa mesti ada sparks la, apa la, tapi aku x rasa apa2 pon. biasa je, cuma yang ak ingat dia rajin senyum, ala2 renyih, and i was really friendly. time tu sebok nak pilih Suksis ke Gamelan? ak mestila nak gamelan, tamola uniform2 ni ngan kawad2 sume tu, time kaseh jela ye. and yes, dia pon pilih gamelan. Honestly, boleh rasa jugak la yang dia nak flirt, tapi time tu my heart was with someone else, MR.WRONG! i was mean to him, really mean! i literally, make every single thing a spark to had a fight with him. i love having fight with him caused i knew he would never go.
he was never my type, he was everything opposite of what i have been searching in a man. he was not a sport guy, he love video game (i considered that as a freak), sikat rambut pon skema and bla bla bla..mmg gedik memilih time tu. but one thing i loved about him was he played a guitar, really well. plus, he's smart! well, time tu, itu jela bonus untuk dia..duhhhh..
the more i hurt him, the more he's close to me and the more i enjoyed hurting him more and more and more! yup, i was mean! and stupid!
21 August, 2007
Pizza hut
Kangar, Perlis
it was my birthday. my bf did not even bother wishing or even ask me out for dinner and i still love him. stupid!
Dia yang ajak keluar makan. makan pizza, rasa hati time tu membara je ngan bf tp da orang nak belanja, ikut je. i remember him eating tobasco. euwwwwwwwwwwwwww... busuk! tp best, enjoy sangat, and on that day he bought a guitar that we named piko.
Early 2008
Tugas2 dia
- buatkan assignment
- Buatkan projek computer programming
- oleh kerana dia pandai, so before exam dia yang kene bertungkus lumus study so that dia kene tolong bagi tiru..see, i told you i was mean!
- Belikan makanan, orderkan makanan.
- Belikan barang2
- bagi pinjam hardisk (siap buat harta sendiri)
- kalau ada kelas, dia kene datang awal, sbb nak jagakan tempat for me and my friends.
- do everything, anything that i asked.
- tugas paling utama ialah, sabar je bila ak pangkah2 dy, like all the time!
Mid 2008
Jitra, Kedah
i went out with him to jitra for movie. marathon movies! sebenarnya malas sangat nak pergi time tu tapi sbb kesian kat dia, so i said yes. and disebabkan oleh my kegedikan, i insists of him driving a car,instead of taking a bus. padahal, boleh je ak naik bus, macam xpernah pulak, but i love making him sengsara! dia cari2 kereta, last2 pinjam dari GOne.
tengok cite Hellboy 2, Doomsday dengan Journey to the center of the earth. hebat x, ingat sume tajuk tu. =p lepas tengok movie sume, ktorg pegi secret recipe where i wanted to surprise him with a late birthday cake tapi last2 x jadi sbb dy perasan..cesss!
something strange happened lately. jealousy! ha, ak jeles? pehhhlissss..tapi tula yang terjadi. ak mula rase jeles bile dia bercakap2 or mesra dengan perempuan lain. ak rasa macam dia tu hak ak padahal ak dok torture dia. ntahla, rasa jeles sangat. dan dah mula rasa sunyi bila dia tade.
am i in love???
12 August 2008
i still remember when i accepted him. and yes, i love him!

hari ni, genap la 3 tahun kitorg together. byk ups and downs. ada suka ada duka, ada ketawa, nangis, bergaduh, drama! mmg ak la yg selalu buat perangai. tapi 1 benda yang x pernah berubah selama 3 tahun ni, i love him more and more each day!
kamu, dulu sy ada wt list 10 things i love about you kan? sekarang nak buat lagi, tapi kasi update sket =)
so now, 10 things i love, still love about you Raja Ahmad Izzat :
- i love when you look at me and call me 'sayang'
- i love when you said silly things and make jokes
- i love when you sing to me before i sleep
- i love wipe my tears away
- i love when i have problems, and you'll say 'dont worry, everything will be alright'
- i still love eating with you (rasa beselera je)
- i love when you hold my hands firmly
- i love when you make me blush
- i love when look deep into my eyes and smile at me
- i love, still love and always love the way you love me.

happy anniversary syg!
sy syg kamu sampai pluto!
happy 3rd year anniversary yayang!! syg kmu lg jauh dari pluto =)
ReplyDeletesaya simpan lg gmbar things i like about u.hehe
ReplyDeleteda byk kali bce but still smile and happy when i read this post.luv ya!