Thursday, March 26, 2009


morning everyone
i just woke up and realized how beautiful this morning is

*big smile*

after 2 days of 8am-7pm classes
today i can finally sleep as long as i want
dream as much as i enjoy
what a life..yippeee!

gotta take my shower
i need to do my laundry and get ready for class photography

enjoy today coz u may not have tomorrow ;)

hugs n kisses..

Friday, March 20, 2009

i miss..

erm..yesterday, when i got back from my dance training, i've been thinking about the things that i miss so much. so, here it goes:

1. i miss basketball!

gosh,its been like forever i didnt play basketball. yeah, it used to be my addictive drugs.i did play everyday, after school with my first, i was really sucks (no one didnt at first rite?),i still remember how the boys laugh at us when we first play the ball. boys will always be boys.not to worry, they will laugh at you but then they'll teach you the right way to play it (after you give them a nice smile or a sexy pose..huhu..kidding).in the end, me and my friends decided to buils up the girls team and i was the president for three years.really miss the trainning, the laugh,endurance and all the sweats.MISS IT! but since this sem, i havent played any.why???? after 2nd sem, i dont bring my fav black ball back to kangar, because i'm kinda disappointed with the fact that i cant find any girl or boy who are deeply interested with basketball. basketball best la weyh! i know, there's a few unimap's boy who do play like amir and that nice chinese boy who i've forgotten his name (but i know he's dating ami's housemate) , but why cant i find any girl who has the same addiction like me.girls, fyi basketball is no longer the dude's stuff ok? its fun and can build up your metabolisme. plus, cute guys are always there when u play even if they dont play with u but what the heck rite? hehe~ btw, i need some miracle so that tomorrow when i woke up..tadaaaa! there's a nice basketball court equipped with comfortable red floor and a painted board at wang ulu..please..huk2..dream on! ;) never mind, this coming sem break, i'll make sure i'll find all my former basketball team to play again. cant wait!

2. i miss my homiez

syazni aka, fara, sara, durga, aisyah and not to forget my super-crazy buddies, faidhi. i miss u all so damn much.


i'm sorry i missed the last re-u but i'm hoping to see you all. we can lepak at our fav spot(mestila maulana) catching up and i know u guys surely have dozens of juicy gossips rite?? huhu~

3. i miss my lovely family

i miss abah's peyot, mak's warm hug when i sleep with her, my really nice along, my evil sis angah, my 'mami jarum' alang..anta rindu sgt ngan aina, zaid, aleiya and cuties..

i really miss when we all eat together, then abah's gonna finish first then he'll cut the fruits and all of us will just sit there eat n eat n eat and after that without washing our hands off, me and my sisters will gossiping.all kind of stories. after few minutes mak will come to the dining room "wtpe nih,kemas la meja ni"..she konon2 je nk mrh padahal nk join gossip skali..huhu~

then, i'll play will with all my cuties. and the worst part is, i'm no longer the little princess when they are around. before this, no one can argue with me about tv remote, but everytime they are around i cant tolerate but have to watch astro ceria and playhouse disney..anyhow,i love hageemaru so much! hehe~

~i miss everything~

btw, gotta go i project meeting..hugs n kisses..

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Lelaki bujang kena tanggung dosa sendiri apabila sudah baligh manakala dosa
gadis bujang ditanggung oleh bapanya.
Lelaki berkahwin kena tanggung dosa sendiri, dosa isteri, dosa anak
perempuan yang belum berkahwin dan dosa anak lelaki yang belum baligh.


Hukum menjelaskan anak lelaki kena bertanggung jawab ke atas ibunya dan
sekiranya dia tidak menjalankan tanggung jawabnya maka dosa baginya
terutama anak lelaki yang tua, manakala perempuan tidak, perempuan hanya
perlu taat kepada suaminya. Isteri berbuat baik pahala dapat kepadanya kalau
buat tak
baik dosanya ditanggung oleh suaminya. BERATKAN??

Suami kena bagi nafkah pada isteri, ini wajib tapi isteri tidak. Walaupun
begitu isteri boleh membantu. Haram bagi suami bertanya pendapatan isteri lebih-lebih lagi menggunakan pendapatan isteri tanpa izin ini.

Banyak lagi lelaki lebih-lebih lagi yang bergelar suami perlu tanggung.
Kalau nak dibayangkan beratnya dosa-dosa yang ditanggungnya seperti gunung
dengan semut. Itu sebabnya mengikut kajian nyawa orang perempuan lebih
panjang daripada lelaki. Lelaki mati cepat kerana tak larat dengan beratnya dosa-dosa yang ditanggung (ikut kajian laa..)

Tetapi orang lelaki ada keistimewaannya yang dianugerah oleh Allah SWT.
Ini orang lelaki kena tahu, kalau tak tahu kena jadi perempuan. Begitulah


Auratnya lebih susah dijaga berbanding lelaki. Perlu meminta izin dari
suaminya apabila mahu keluar rumah tetapi tidak sebaliknya.
Saksinya kurang berbanding lelaki. Menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki.

Perlu menghadapi kesusahan mengandung dan melahirkan anak.

Wajib taat kepada suaminya tetapi suami tak perlu taat pada isterinya.
Talak terletak di tangan suami dan bukan isteri.
Wanita kurang dalam beribadat kerana masalah haid dan nifas yang tak ada
pada lelaki.

Pernahkah kita lihat sebaliknya??

Benda yang mahal harganya akan dijaga dan dibelai serta disimpan ditempat
yang tersorok dan selamat. Sudah pasti intan permata tidak akan dibiar
bersepah-sepah bukan? Itulah bandingannya dengan seorang wanita.

Wanita perlu taat kepada suami tetapi lelaki wajib taat kepada ibunya 3 kali
lebih utama dari bapanya
. Bukankah ibu adalah seorang wanita ?

Wanita menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki tetapi harta itu menjadi milik
peribadinya dan tidak perlu diserahkan kepada suaminya , manakala lelaki
menerima pusaka perlu menggunakan hartanya untuk menyara isteri dan

Wanita perlu bersusah payah mengandung dan melahirkan anak, tetapi setiap
saat dia didoakan oleh segala haiwan, malaikat dan seluruh makhluk ALLAH di
mukabumi ini, dan matinya jika kerana melahirkan adalah syahid kecil. Manakala dosanya diampun ALLAH (dosa kecil).

Di akhirat kelak, seorang lelaki akan dipertanggungjawabk an terhadap 4 wanita :
1. ibunya
2. isterinya
3...anak perempuannya
, dan
4. saudara perempuannya.

Manakala seorang wanita pula, tanggungjawab terhadapnya ditanggung oleh 4
org lelaki ini
1. suaminya,
2. ayahnya,
3. anak lelakinya dan
4. saudara lelakinya

Seorang wanita boleh memasuki pintu Syurga melalui mana-mana pintu Syurga
yg disukainya cukup dengan 4 syarat sahaja
1. sembahyang 5 waktu
2. puasa di bulan Ramadhan
3. taat suaminya dan

4. menjaga kehormatannya

Seorang lelaki perlu pergi berjihad fisabilillah tetapi wanita jika taat
akan suaminya serta menunaikan tanggungjawabnya kepada ALLAH akan
menerima pahala seperti pahala orang pergi berperang fisabilillah tanpa
perlu mengangkat senjata.

MasyaALLAH.. ...sayangnya ALLAH pada wanita ....

Seorang wanita adalah pelengkap dan sememangnya istimewa di sisi seorang
, tetapi ingatlah wahai lelaki...kamu sebenarnya adalah istimewa
disisi Allah, maka dengan sebab itu DIA mengangkat kamu menjadi
pemimpin...maka dengan keistimewaan itu, JAGALAH dan HARGAILAH wanita
sebaik-baiknya. ...supaya kelak masing2 lelaki dan wanita dapat pulang
mengadap Allah dalam keadaan istimewa disisiNYA..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i seal my lips

i'm not really sure whats going on around me right now
everyone seem so intense, stress and mad over something
but what?
and why?
i dont have the intention to be a gossip girl
want to know everything about everyone
but i deeply hope that whatever matters that happening right now will be solved soon


~better seal my lips~

i got a 'love letter' last weekend
at first it make me depress, sad and down
feel like my head is gonna blow
but eventually
this thing is getting better
thank you
for reminding me about my responsibility
sedar diri la sket
tadela hanyut sgt

bib aka one of my best homiez
dy da membebel ngan pjg lebarnyer
pns gak telinge ak time tuh
smpi everyone at the pizza hut look at me like "what da heck happen to this girl??" ;)
i walk here and there
talking on the phone as if i have this huge-millions worth- project
as if la..
next time bib
bebel la lg k?
i really miss u and durga's bebel
and i miss the crazy-stupid laugh with fara n sara
miss the old times

erm.. *thinking*

maybe i should try the laugh therapy taught by dato' NC
it sound and look stupid though
but i think it may work

*big smile*

hugs n kisses...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

sendirian berhad

arini br ak sedar
no matter how many friends you have
in the end
u will be alone
akn tgglkn kite
akn tgglkn kite
di akhir ceritenyer
kite sendiri yg kne struggle
the phrase 'i'll be there when u need me' is a total BS


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

biggest diappoinment

i got my reaction engineering midterm test paper today
i got really2 bad result
i mean like i'd-kill-myself-result
fucking bad
but the worse part was
i've been the center of humiliation
i am surrounded by a crowd when i am humiliated
the words were painful enough it could penetrate through my heart
i've never been that humiliated
what came out from her mouth were all true but it sound to me like 'you are stupid'
maybe i'm just being paranoid
thank you for reminding me where i should belong
and him
yes, he is a genius kid
dont need much effort
everything is at his fingertip
but when my heart was broken into pieces
he was too excited about his marks he didnt realised that i'm bleeding out of humiliation
too much that i couldnt feel my feet touching the floor
cant blame him
he is just being him
and it was too late when he ask
too late
too painful
and again
cant blame him, he's just being him

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

thank you

its finally over
thank you for reminding me
i almost forgot what had happened to me before
you are right
thank you

hugs n kisses..


i know i've done a huge mistake
i'd like to put a stop to it
i learned from the previous experiences
better be frank than holding it back
they say' if u got bitten by the snake, u have to suck out all the poison to make it better'
that's what i'd do
even it might as well kill me
but i rather take the risk
i'm not hoping that everything will be like before
but i hope it will be better than now

Monday, March 2, 2009


aku rase amat bodoh skang
aku xtw ak mmg bodoh atau aku diperbodohkn
bile aku pk2
kwn jenis ape yg patut kite simpan atau kwn jenis ape yg ptt dibuang jauh
kite hanya akan berdamping dgn org yg ckp pe yg nk didengar dek telinge shje
pe yg bingit yg keluar dari mulut org itu yg dianggap lancang akan ditolak jauh
nape diberi topeng kepade org itu
supaye die bole bermuke2
pakai saje topeng yg manis2
dikala sng gembire
topeng yg menagih simpati dikala kesusahan
dan yg paling penting
topeng yg bongkak, sombong dan xperlu ade mate di topeng itu kerna ape je yg perlu dilihat olehnyer
bukan die suda punyer semue
die mmg punyer topeng yg hebat
kerna aku sering tertipu dgn topeng2nyer
sering pule meminjam bahunye untuk menitiskn air mate
ironinye,die juge sering menanges di bahuku